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Blackburn fights for conservative values Blackburn fights for conservative values

By McKenzie Lynch As featured in the Columbia Daily Herald July 1, 2018 Volunteering for Marsha Blackburn’s Senate campaign means a lot to me as a citizen of Tennessee and a future public servant. Through this campaign I can not only better understand my civic duty as a citizen of the United States, but also […]

Young conservatives need to be heard

By Mark Cook As featured in The Brentwood Home Page June 22, 2018 I’m a student at Ravenwood High School, and I decided to get involved and volunteer with the Marsha for Senate campaign because this election is going to impact the future of our state and of our nation. Everyone needs to get involved […]

Unite behind Blackburn

By Charlie Brooks As featured in the Lebanon Democrat June 16, 2018 Americans are divided, and our communities are splintering. This division is not new, though it may be more glaring. Marsha Blackburn is uniting us once again. A broad coalition is forming of Tennesseans who see through liberal elites like Chuck Schumer and Phil […]