Letters To The Editor

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Blackburn is a clear choice for Senate Blackburn is a clear choice for Senate

By Hank Rotter As featured in the Williamson Herald July 12, 2018 President Trump has already placed the phenomenal Justice Neil Gorsuch on the Supreme Court, and he is faithfully upholding his oath to protect the Constitution. He will likely even go down in history as one of the greatest Supreme Court justices there has […]

Blackburn needed for strong economy

By Jordan Adams As featured in the Tennessean July 5, 2018 I’m supporting Marsha Blackburn because I know she’s the best person to represent Tennesseans in the Senate. Since President Trump was elected, Democrats have only been focused on resisting the president’s agenda and ousting conservatives from office. It is currently in the best interests […]

Blackburn fights for conservative values

By McKenzie Lynch As featured in the Columbia Daily Herald July 1, 2018 Volunteering for Marsha Blackburn’s Senate campaign means a lot to me as a citizen of Tennessee and a future public servant. Through this campaign I can not only better understand my civic duty as a citizen of the United States, but also […]